About today and my current chemo schedule etc.: After all of this, I felt a little queasy and rested In the car all the way home. But then I walked from the parking area to our house, ordered some food stuff from Eric, and marched up the stairs wearing my back pack foot-over-foot like a normal […]
Author: ekhb
Hair fun
Lisa and Aaron, who visited to help out (tremendously!) for the past few days, did the clay-dye job the other night in the bathroom with friend Anne while Jesse supervised from the bathroom shower. Hmmm, I look a little tired in that last photo. Yesterday was my fullest and most energetic day in weeks. Shivani […]
Shaker Lemon Pie story, plus.
Thanks to good drugs, I had no nausea or vomiting after my double chemo last Thursday. Go, Emend! I don’t care how expensive you are–I love you. I do seem to be more worn out than usual. Or than I expected. Since my legs felt stronger, I went for a walk beyond the mailboxes on […]
Prevailing mood post-surgery on double-chemo day #1
Chemo took a long time today but went fine. When we met with my oncologist beforehand, he noted that even with a brain bleed and a hospital stay–which always kinda takes it out of a person–I was definitely clinically improved compared to my last few visits (meaning he could see the difference in my mood, […]
After all, it’s not brain surg–oh, yeah it was!
Call went well with the surgery yesterday midday and Paul has gone well cents. Haahaa (“All went well with the surgery yesterday midday, and all has gone well since.”) Just thought you all might like to see what I have been trying to live with re dictation software so far! We are home and some beef […]
Still in the hospital, but otherwise great
Perhaps you are wondering how this latest day stuck in the hospital went. Here’s the report! Yesterday’s final CT scan showed the bleed beginning to resolve. Yay! So all was set for surgery today. I was NPO–no food or drink–from midnight on, but got permission to skip the all-night IV fluid drip because of my […]
Another evening update from the hospital
I am still in the hospital, but in a private room now so things are better. Last night we–five of us–had a Thai food picnic along with cranberry-orange granita made by my friend Isa, and then Jesse and I watched our TV show together while snuggling and Eric did a bit of work in the […]
Quick evening update–good news
Just heard from my new nurse that my CT scan at 1 PM showed stable bleeding–so that is excellent news, no spread of bleeding to be seen today and no need to check my neurological all the time tonight. Woo hoo! Still hoping to go home sometime tomorrow to await the Ommaya surgery when the […]
Even later and less greater happenings
Yesterday I got admitted to Albany Med for a little cerebellum bleed discovered when doing pre-admission CT scan for the Ommaya reservoir surgery Tuesday. So now it’s the next day and I am at AMC being checked every hour for neurological status, which is fine so far, despite a couple medium headaches. Tylenol worked! I […]
Latest not-at-all greatest developments
The results of my recent MRIs were not good. The pelvic MRI to see what might be causing left leg pain showed “patchy areas” in the cauda equina (nerves just below the end of the spinal cord). That worried everyone and triggered a quick repeat brain MRI and a cervical spine MRI to look for more deposits or “thickening” […]