Palliative care

This morning we had our first visit from a palliative care nurse.  We got set up with the Visiting Nurse Association for oversight of the lung-draining process, which continues every other day for now.  Then we found out that the VNA also has a palliative care program so we signed up for it. Now we have […]

I didn’t sign up for this.

I think I have made my peace, or as much peace as I can right now, with the fact that I most likely will die much sooner than everyone else I know.  Of course this sucks, but I don’t find in myself a lot of feeling that it’s unfair. I don’t ask, “Why is this happening to […]

Start of Phase Two

I am at NY Oncology Hematology getting my first dose of my first cycle of my second chemotherapy regimen: Gemzar (gemcitabine) and carboplatin.  I like to sit in an out-of-the-way corner because it’s quieter–no chair neighbors watching TV.  It’s the same chemo schedule as before–Day 1 and Day 8 of a 21-day cycle–but very different […]

Improving the blog!

My friend Lisa is helping me to set up e-mail notifications so that when I add a blog entry, anyone who likes can get notified of it by e-mail.  It’s not quite working yet but…close!  Stand by for future exciting technological announcements.

Vanities: usefulness

(Part three of four musings on vanity’s role in my life.) I have always enjoyed being a person who is useful, who gets things done, who follows through on details, who is handy, who helps others more than needs help herself.  I can still be that person in some realms, but not others.  I am riding […]

“Chemo holiday”?

I’m currently on a bit of a ‘chemo holiday” to see if that helps with my various pain symptoms and the neuropathy.  I got numb fingers two weeks ago, which led to me calling off the Eribulin last week and the oncologist’s suggestion of a “holiday” to give my body some off time and see if […]