
My brain is less functional than before in these areas: keeping track of the day, date, and even month; peoples’ first names; medicine names; and how to run the very online writing workshop I designed and Eric and I wrote, launched, and upgraded over the last 10 years.  It is very depressing to try to […]

Back to the grind

Coming to you live from the chemo suite! Our trip is over and we’re slowly getting back into the patterns of normal life.  Which of course include chemo. It seems like Jesse grew an inch while we were gone. They are interested in helping me out, which is fun. This afternoon they pushed my chair […]

“hanging in”

That’s what I tell inquirers when they ask how I’m doing and I have nothing to say that is particularly interesting. So over the past week it’s been pretty much like that, except for good news from my recent MRI and CT scans: nothing known to be new; nothing bigger than last time; lots of […]

Weekend excitements

This morning I woke up at 8.  It’s 10 am and I have already: had bad back pain and gotten Eric to rub my back before putting on the three-times-a-day pain lotion slathered my fingers with another kind of pain lotion because they hurt in a bad-cold sort of way thrown up out of nowhere tripped […]

Guest post: Spee’s update

Spee sent out this update last week by e-mail, and I thought it was worth putting on the blog to fill out the picture. Hi, family and friends – It’s been a while since I’ve sent out an update because of more frequent blog postings by Ellen and some awkwardness there.  But today I spoke with […]

The view from Montréal

Eric and I ran away from home a couple of days ago (leaving the kids behind) to explore a little bit of Montréal for our 10th-anniversary trip.  So we’re 11 or 12 years late for our 10th anniversary…oh well. We made it at last. Because of my broken foot Eric rented me a motorized scooter to get around in. […]

Brief clinical updates

Just to share some clinical updates, since I am sitting here hooked up to chemo for what feels like the 8th hour in a row (it’s actually only the beginning of the 4th hour but geez, they are running s-l-o-w today): • intrathecal methotrexate has vanquished its target cancer cells for now—I am down to one […]

What’s been slowing me down

My weak left ankle turned outward on me for real last Friday, after weeks of threatening to do so, causing an impressive tumble to the floor in the bathroom. By the next day it hurt in a bigger and more focused way, so off we went to the nearest Urgent Care place. I will spare […]