Thanks to good drugs, I had no nausea or vomiting after my double chemo last Thursday. Go, Emend! I don’t care how expensive you are–I love you. I do seem to be more worn out than usual. Or than I expected. Since my legs felt stronger, I went for a walk beyond the mailboxes on Thursday or Friday, and I made it back! With a few rests. But this weekend I have mostly sat around and indulged in Netflix, at least when not learning new blog posting technologies such as below.
In general, though, I feel all right and I’m doing pretty well at taking care of myself except for the things that require two functioning hands. Unfortunately, this includes putting on most shirts and other important self-care tasks. My hands are damaged from chemo-induced neuropathy and we don’t know yet whether, now that I’m on a different chemo regimen or two, they will get worse or better. My feet are still pretty bad, especially the left one, which feels like a block of tingly wood that does not want to be touched. That left foot is the major cause of my unsteadiness walking.
Here is last week’s community Shaker Lemon Pie story out loud:

Dang! That musta been the one potluck I missed lately! The one after the Thursday community dinner. S*^T! Serves me right for ditching potluck. Loved your story, love you!
Hurrah for a trip to the mailbox. That’s great, and I’m so happy that the chemo went well and that no shackles were needed. Miss you and can’t wait to see you at the end of the month. Love to Lisa and Aaron.
So THAT’s what Meyer lemons are good for! That, and a great hand lotion I found! Congrat’s on the mailbox tour. Missing you.
I like the audio-blogging format! Podcasting is in your future…
Pie crust trick: ice-cold vodka instead of some of the water. Cooks Illustrated has a whole molecular explanation for why it works, which is pretty interesting, but not as interesting as actually eating pie. It sounds like your “invalid we” (definitely keep the accent on the first syllable!) makes a very successful pie-making (and eating) team. There’s an illustrated children’s book hidden in your story, I think!
So glad your legs are still feeling stronger and that the Emend is working. Here’s hoping the neuropathy situation will improve with the new chemo regimen. Your overall strength is an inspiration.
Is it possible for the ‘invalid we’ to get another incarnation of this pie sent to Birmingham (England)? There’s a massive pie shortage in the UK currently due to recent oppressive legislation against pie makers. We need pie as a matter of urgency.
Plus would it be sacrilege to have Shake Lemon Pie with custard? Or would it have to be ice cream?