If you don’t get the joke above after thinking about it for a bit, or you have ever just wondered what an MRI sounds like, listen to a bit of this video, which also shows the equipment needed for a brain MRI:  Brain MRI sounds & sights (first 50 seconds should do).  All metal needs […]

Update with and without varnish

I spent the time between my CT scan and MRI Thursday AM and our meeting with my oncologist Friday AM trying my hardest to think of a descriptive phrase for that time period in ongoing cancer treatment or follow-up, because It’s a Thing.  It’s the scan-results interval (SRI?). It’s the DFWP, the dread-filled waiting period. […]

Trying to make sense of lab results (or, what I do for fun)

Thinking about my various lab results (bloodwork done every chemo day), I was wondering if there were patterns between Week 1 and Week 2 that I wasn’t seeing, or patterns that would explain the bouncing of my red blood cell count.  It didn’t seem predictable at all, though I would have predicted something like: best […]

I have lost track of what round of chemo this is!

And not because of chemo-brain…just because there have been so many of them. Which is a good thing–the chemo (2 weeks on, 1 week off, since January) has been keeping the cancer from growing.  I get scanned on the 19th to find out (on the 21st) if it continues to work.  A good result on […]