
Here we are again.  I really never thought I’d bring this blog back to life but it is going to be the way I keep everyone up to date on my latest adventures with breast cancer.  And, if last time is any guide, it might be where I collect resources and information, share pictures, and post the odd thought on being in this odd position.

Having an invisible illness, especially one that doesn’t even have any symptoms at the moment, makes you an outsider in the regular world as well as an unfortunate insider in the world of the hospital or the world of oncologists.  It is a deeply odd feeling to be looking through cancer-drug trials on to see if I qualify for a particular trial or not; when I do, I think, Yay!, and then immediately think, why are you happy that you fit the profile of someone who would need to enter a drug trial for metastatic breast cancer?  (Well…consider the alternative.)

Despite the grimness of the prognosis (how grim, for me specifically, is not real clear yet but it is Not Good), I am getting along, and only sometimes down.  I feel fine, I have lots to do, and people love me.  For now that’s working for me pretty well.  The secret of my success, or my motto so far: “meant to feel sorry for myself but didn’t get around to it.”

(Click the “RSS” button at the bottom of this web page if you want to get alerts in your e-mail when I add to this blog.  I think it should work on most e-mail set-ups…just follow the prompts.)

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