Aloxi, Tagamet, Taxotere, Cytoxan–ATTaC! Hmmm. Aloxi, Tagamet, Taxotere, Cytoxan, Heparin–ATTaCH. Aloxi is an anti-emetic, tagamet is to settle my stomach some other way (anti-reflux…it’s an ulcer med?), Taxotere is the new chemo agent, Cytoxan is the old chemo agent, Heparin is to keep my port catheter from clotting up in between uses. And there’s the […]
Month: September 2006
chemo #1
It went well–efficient, friendly, we liked the nurse, got to sit on the quiet side of the infusion room, and everything went fine with the various drugs. I got a headache from the Cytoxan, but it only lasted an hour or so and wasn’t very bad. Gave my allergic oncologist advice about how best to […]
Last September and October, I found myself crying and crying over stories of Hurricane Katrina–the awful ones, the wistful ones, the happy-ending ones. Of course this was only in the car because One, we only listen to the radio in the car and Two, the car makes a nice private place to cry. This continued […]
fashion statement
A few weeks ago I received a nice big plain red bandanna in the mail from a friend. I also got a lavender one and in the package were two black bandannas with skulls and crossbones on them. (I’m assuming those are for the boys.) We were in the car. I tied the red one […]
I am looking at the receipt for 20 tablets of Zofran, an anti-nausea medication that didn’t work very well for me (against the nausea-inducing Adriamycin) in 1995. That’s, what, $37 per tablet? Nothing much lately has suceeded in making me feel more sick than that $745.25. Who takes medicine that costs that much money? Only […]
impending chemicals
Chemo starts Tuesday midday. TC x 4 plus a Neulasta shot on Wednesday, every 3 weeks. I’ll be done in mid-November (then radiation). I get to take steroids too. Yee. Hah.
the stuff I want to be doing
What I’ve done for the last few days/plan for the next few days: Last Thursday: doula visit Friday: birth Saturday: family outing, then be useful to a friend because of being a “birth person” Sunday: postpartum visit to Friday’s new parents Monday: initial meeting with potential doula clients Tuesday: work on doula-client filing system, fill […]
whatever happened to that minute group of cells?
Last Tuesday afternoon, late, the surgeon called and left a message: the tumor board had met that day and discussed the re-excision results, and they determined that “everything looks okay” on the margins. I need to ask for more of the story, but my informants tell me that the radiation oncologist, surgeon, and oncologist confer […]
busy friday indeed
Friday was my second-opinion visit at Dana-Farber. It was also the birthday of my doula clients’ baby…scheduled for just the day I couldn’t be there for them. I was there to help them get started and there to rejoice afterwards, but my doula partner was there for the labor and birth. Everything went fabulously and […]
more on taxanes
Better coverage of the one Taxotere-Cytoxan study: abstracted/presented 2005, not yet published, 1016 early-stage women, all with surgery, chemo, & radiation; those taking TC x 4 had better 5-year disease-free survival rates (86%) than those taking AC x 4 (81%). That’s a significant difference overall, but for node-negative women there wasn’t much of a difference. […]